Thank you Fulton County! In 2020, WE made history when WE brought balance to the bench and elected me to the Fulton County Superior Court. I am forever grateful for your support then and now! It is time to do it again! I humbly ask for your support in our campaign for re-election.
Over the last 3 years, I have had the honor of serving the very community that raised me! Our kids, our families, our community and our county need and deserve a judge who serves in the courtroom and the community. I am that judge! I have dedicated my career to public service and bettering the community in which I live. I understand the needs of our community and the necessity of having judges who are patient, who listen and who care. I am that judge. I am firm but fair. Whether it is sitting on the bench or volunteering with our youth, I strive each day to make Fulton a better place for ALL of us.
I took the bench January 1, 2021. Since then, I have heard and decided hundreds, if not thousands, of cases. In addition to listening and giving folks their day in court, I effectively manage a massive docket and serve as the Chief Judge of the Family Division. I bring a wealth of knowledge, experience and diverse perspectives to my role as a judge. I was born and raised in Fulton County, so I am acutely familiar with the needs of Fulton and its residents. I am a former lawyer and college professessor. My personal and professional experiences allow me to use common sense and come up with creative solutions to solve problems put before me. I follow the law while ensuring that it is paired with justice, temperance, compassion, and mercy. I pride myself on my ability to listen to the parties in front of me and make hard decisions. My courtroom is a place where ALL people can come and know that they will be treated fairly, with dignity and respect. I am passionate about the work I do and the people that I serve. I work tirelessly to ensure that my courtroom is a place where people receive fair, efficient and transparent justice.
I love being a judge – serving and representing ALL of Fulton County! With your help and support, I hope to continue to serve in this capacity. Please consider donating to the campaign, spreading our message on social media and to your circles, AND voting!
Yours in Service,
Shermela J. Williams
Judge Shermela J. Williams
Atlanta Judicial Circuit
Superior Court of Fulton County
Countdown to Election Day